UN Women to collaborate with USAID to promote a gender-inclusive business sector

Cooperation between UN Women and various private companies serving to promote gender equality in the business sector has been successfully carried out since 2014 within the framework of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles. This experience will now also include the involvement of the USAID Industry-Led Skills Development Program.
On 3 October 2022, a memorandum was signed between UN Women and the USAID Program which aims to promote gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, to raise awareness of the positive role of gender equality in economic growth, and to encourage private partner companies to introduce gender-inclusive practices, while also ensuring the involvement of women in the workplace, the market and society.
The event was attended by Ms Alia El-Yassir, UN Women Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, and Mr John A. Pennell, USAID Mission Director in the Caucasus.
“This cooperation will contribute to the leadership of women and girls, to the creation of equal opportunities for them,” Ms El-Yassir remarked. “It will help to create such an ecosystem within the private sector that takes into account gender equality and considers it a priority of the value chain.” Mr Pennell added: “I am glad to be present at today’s event, which is very important for USAID. Our project will be particularly focused on empowering women.”
It should be noted that one part of the event was dedicated to a discussion, during which experts and representatives from the private sector considered the promotion of gender-inclusive business practices within the Georgian professional skills ecosystem. They moreover discussed the importance of private sector involvement in the development of certain skills needed for employment.
The development of this memorandum with the USAID Industry-Led Skills Development Program, as well as activities engaged towards Women’s Empowerment Principles, is a notable part of the economic empowerment component of the UN Women “Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia” project, implemented with the support of the Government of Norway.