TechWomen Community: A platform for women interested in innovation and technology
UN Women continues to offer new opportunities for women and girls interested in technology. Learn more
It is never too late to learn
Lia Mikeladze is 57 and lives in the village of Koshka with her family, near the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) in Gori Municipality. Learn more
UN Women promotes the advancement of care services in Georgia
Licensed training courses for home-care providers and personal assistants to persons with disabilities were conducted. Learn more
High-level meeting on empowering women human rights defenders in Georgia
UN Women organized the high-level meeting “Their Fight, Our Future: Empowering Women Human Rights Defenders in Georgia”. Learn more
Youth engaged in combating gender-based violence
UN Women, supported by the European Union, continues empowering the youth and raising their awareness on gender-based violence. Learn more
Photo: UN Women
Changes Require the Voices of Women: Awareness-raising campaign on women’s political participation

To raise public awareness and to mobilize public support for women’s increased participation in decision-making, UN Women Georgia Country Office implemented an awareness raising campaign “Change Requires the Voices of Women.” The content created for the campaign combines compelling facts and data with real-life stories - sharing the experiences of women politicians and activists from different generations.

Generation Equality: Realizing women’s rights for an equal future
Generation Equality

Join UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign to accelerate gender equality actions and mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most visionary agenda for women’s rights and empowerment everywhere. The campaign demands equal pay, equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work, an end to all forms of violence against women and girls, women’s leadership and access to health.

The signs of relationship abuse and how to help
The signs of relationship abuse and how to help

Globally, one in three women experiences physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner. While domestic violence and abuse are sometimes hidden, if we know the signs of an abusive relationship, we may be able to recognize it better and seek or offer help.