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UN Women continues to offer new opportunities for women and girls interested in technology. On 11 February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, one such initiative was launched: TechWomen Community.
Raisa Liparteliani, a labour rights advocate and deputy chairwoman of the Georgian Trade Union Confederation, has been working on labour rights for more than 17 years, and she has made a significant contribution to the progress that Georgia has made on this issue.
Training and grant opportunity for researchers: Time Use Data Analysis for Advancing Gender Equality in Georgia.
UN Women works closely with relevant departments of companies that are signatories to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), sharing modern approaches with them and thus helping the private sector to implement international best practices in terms of human resource policies.
Madonna Kharebava, 75, is the co-founder and executive director of the Association of Disabled Women and Mothers of Disabled Children “DEA”. Since 1998, she has been working on the protection of their rights.
Since 2016, UN Women has been sharing best practices in combating sexual harassment with enterprises that have signed on to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and, among other things, has been helping these companies to implement optimal approaches.
One of the outstanding articles that Ms. Tarkhnishvili published this year refers to a topical issue for women: blackmail through the dissemination of private images and videos.
In partnership with the hypermarket chain Goodwill, UN Women gave women entrepreneurs the opportunity to present their products at a specially organized fair at Goodwill in Digomi, Tbilisi, on 23 December.
In a significant move towards achieving gender equality, Georgia has made substantial progress in integrating gender considerations into public finance management (PFM) and budgetary processes.
Drawing on international best practices and local contexts, UN Women prioritized the strengthening and enhancement of care services in Georgia throughout 2024.
To mark the tenth anniversary of the Open Day on WPS in Georgia, internally displaced and conflict-affected women, as well as the representatives of civil society and UN entities, gathered at the annual event and discussed the community’s needs.
On 29 November 2024, in partnership with the Council of Europe and under the auspices of the Gender Thematic Group, UN Women organized the high-level meeting “Their Fight, Our Future: Empowering Women Human Rights Defenders in Georgia”.
UN Women, supported by the European Union, continues empowering the youth and raising their awareness on gender-based violence.
At the initiative of UN Women, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Expo was held for the third time at the exhibition centre Expo Georgia.
Women dairy farmers living in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region continue their activities with improved products and new entrepreneurial skills, thanks to a successfully implemented project by UN Women and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) aimed at their empowerment.
To raise public awareness and to mobilize public support for women’s increased participation in decision-making, UN Women Georgia Country Office implemented an awareness raising campaign “Change Requires the Voices of Women.”
Care work is an important factor in the development of each person, family, society and economy. The time that women and men spend on this type of work has social and economic value, but it is often disregarded.
The “Empower Her” project will be implemented within the recently signed Memorandum of Cooperation between ProCredit Bank and UN Women.
With the invitation of UN Women, international expert Lolita Čigāne, a former journalist and a human rights activist who is a three-term member of the Latvian Saeima, visited Georgia from 17 to 19 October.
Initiated by UN Women, the free-of-charge training course was designed for the women living along the ABL, and 32 participants from the regions of Shida Kartli and Samegrelo attended it in September and October 2024.