UN Women continues to support gender mainstreaming in Georgia’s education system

Gender mainstreaming in the education system is one of the most important ways to raise awareness of gender equality among the public, especially younger generations, and to change existing stereotypes.
Considering the importance, UN Women actively continues supporting gender mainstreaming in the education system of Georgia and closely cooperates with the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth. This was the purpose of the initiatives implemented for representatives of the education system in March.
In particular, a working meeting was held on 1 and 2 March aimed at strengthening the existing Gender Mainstreaming Platform within the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth. The members of the mentioned platform and representatives of UN Women attended the meeting. During the meeting, the participants deepened their knowledge about gender mainstreaming, became familiar with international best practices, discussed successful examples, set future steps and agreed to develop a time-bound action plan for the Gender Mainstreaming Platform.
On 3 and 4 March, a training session was organized on gender equality plans for representatives of higher education institutions. For two days, the participants reviewed the challenges related to gender equality in research and academic circles and discussed possible ways to solve them. In addition, the participants learned how to develop plans for gender equality in higher education institutions, which is one of the most efficient steps to overcome such challenges. Twenty-two representatives from 15 different institutions attended the training.
“Along with theory, the training also included a practical part and discussions, which was important for an in-depth analysis of the topic. The acquired knowledge will give me the opportunity to provide more relevant information to organizations interested in implementing or improving gender equality plans,” said Shorena Beridze, one of the participants of the training and a representative of the Horizon Europe National Office of Georgia.
UN Women will also continue initiatives supporting gender mainstreaming in the education system of Georgia in the future.
The workshop and training were carried out within the framework of the UN Women project “Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia”, which is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.