Awareness Raising Educational Game on Climate and Development - Climate Challenge

Gender inequality and the climate crisis are two of the greatest challenges of our time. They pose threats to ways of life, livelihoods, health, safety and security for women and girls around the world. At the same time, the climate crisis is not “gender neutral”. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change induced disasters and experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities (UN Women, 2022. Explainer: How gender inequality and climate change are interconnected).
On 5-6 July 2023, UN Women organized a participatory workshop to raise awareness and enhance the understanding of various stakeholders (state agencies, private sector entities and non-governmental organizations) on the nexus between environment and sustainable development and gender, as well as differential impacts of climate change on women and men and their different vulnerabilities. The workshop consisted of a playing an awareness raising educational game on climate and development (Serious Gaming - Perspectivity) and an adaptation session, where UN Women staff, other UN agencies, state and CSO partners discussed how to adapt the game to reflect Georgia and women’s rights and needs. The workshop was facilitated by the international consultant, Han Rakels, a partner at Perspectivity, a collective and a community of professional facilitators who love to navigate complexity.
UN Women plans to use the Climate Challenge game, in conjunction with other capacity building activities, to raise awareness on climate change and gender equality for different target audiences.
The workshop was implemented in the framework of the UN Women project “Women’s Economic Empowerment in South Caucasus” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).