The Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence sets framework for action for 2018
The Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence convened for its routine meeting on February 20, 2018.

Members of the Commission discussed the monitoring reports on the implementation of the 2016-2017 Action Plans for Measures to Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and to Protect Victims and the UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. The Commission also discussed draft action plans for 2018-2020 to be approved by the Government of Georgia before the end of March 2018.
“National Action Plans are important policy documents developed in response to Georgia’s commitments undertaken in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Once finalizing the development of the subsequent cycles of the Action Plans for 2018-2020 it is critical to have agreed understanding of what was already achieved and what are the remaining priorities for the coming three years. Coherent and coordinated work of all relevant agencies in charge of the implementation of the Action Plans is key for achieving the set goals,”- noted Sophio Japaridze, Assistant to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Gender Equality Issues and the Chair of the Inter-Agency Commission.
Within the framework of the meeting, the Commission also established three thematic working groups, one - for the development of unified administrative data collection system on violence against women and the second – on institutionalizing behavior correction programs for the domestic violence perpetrators. The third thematic group was set up to steer work on piloting electronic monitoring system through Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) ankle bracelet for the offenders in domestic violence cases. The working group will be tasked to elaborate legal and operational framework towards the institutionalization of this GPS ankle bracelet monitoring system and will operate with technical support from UN Women and the European Union.
The Commission on Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence was established in June 2017 with advocacy and technical support from UN Women and other UN agencies with the mandate to steer effective implementation of policy and action on gender equality, violence against women and domestic violence. It unites representatives of line ministries and state agencies engaged in the implementation of national action plans on gender equality and women’s empowerment.