Drafting process of the third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security of Georgia launched
A two-day workshop supported by UN Women kicked off the drafting process on Georgia’s third National Action Plan (NAP) on the Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security for the period from 2018 to 2020.

Twenty-five gender focal points from the line ministries gathered to draft the first version of the new NAP, informed by lessons learned from the implementation of the previous NAPs. The group also took into consideration the findings and recommendations from civil society organizations (CSOs) and the Public Defender’s monitoring reports of the current NAP (2016-2017).
"We greatly appreciate the inputs and recommendations received from CSOs and the Public Defender; [these findings] will inform the development cycle of the NAP," committed Ms. Sophio Japaridze, Assistant to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Gender Equality Issues and the chair of the governmental Inter-agency Commission, which leads and coordinates work on the NAP.
The first draft of the new NAP will be validated by the line ministries before being made available for public discussion. To ensure wide participation and ownership of the NAP by the final beneficiaries - conflict-affected and IDP women and their groups and organizations - the Assistant to the Prime Minister, with UN Women’s support, plans to organize meetings with women in the regions, including in villages adjacent to the lines of control with the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Once the process is finalized, the NAP will be submitted to the Government of Georgia for its final approval. It is expected the new NAP will be adopted by the end of 2017.
Since 2011, the UN Women Country Office in Georgia has been systematically supporting the Government of Georgia to fulfil its commitments to the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Georgia was the first country in the South Caucasus Region to adopt a National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and the subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security back in 2011.