Country Gender Equality Profile of Georgia

The Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) represents an important guide to assess the existing situation regarding women’s empowerment and gender equality. The CGEP describes and analyses the present situation in Georgia mainly based on the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while at the same time considering the BPfA and CEDAW frameworks.
The present CGEP reviews the 12 critical areas of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA): institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women; women and poverty; the education and training of women; women and health; violence against women; women and armed conflict/women, peace and security; women and the economy; women in decision-making; women and the media; women in agriculture and the environment; and the girl child. The twelfth area - the human rights of women - is considered cross-cutting for all 11 areas.
The present CGEP reviews the 12 critical areas of the BPfA, which are as follows: institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women; women and poverty; the education and training of women; women and health; violence against women; women and armed conflict/women, peace and security; women and the economy; women in decision-making; women and the media; women in agriculture and the environment; and the girl child. The twelfth area - the human rights of women - is considered cross-cutting for all 11 areas.
By analysing existing policies and the latest available quantitative and qualitative data under each thematic area, the CGEP attempts to identify existing gender gaps across legal and policy efforts and provides recommendations for advancing gender equality in Georgia.