Capacity-building in negotiations and mediation for women representatives of civil society

Women’s involvement in negotiations and mediation can play an important role in conflict resolution and in the long-term and sustainable peacebuilding processes. Nevertheless, women are still rarely seen at the negotiating table, and Georgia is no exception.
UN Women, within the framework of the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, supports the empowerment and training of women from civil society so that they can play an effective role in future negotiations and mediation processes by acquiring the adequate competencies and skills.
This was the purpose of a three-day intensive training held in cooperation with the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia on 10–12 November. During the training, women leaders from civil society had an opportunity to hear from an international expert, Dr. Gal Harmat, about conflict resolution methods through gender perspectives, creative approaches needed for effective negotiations, and inclusive initiatives.
For three days, the participants were introduced to mediation techniques, creating opportunities for dialogue, networking strategies and other approaches. The training also included practical exercises and discussions on gender issues in ongoing conflicts and peacebuilding processes. Twenty-two participants, including the representatives of civil society organizations who are working on the topics of peace and security, human rights and gender equality attended the training.
“Those three days were a fulfilling experience for me,” said training participant Eleonora Tchania, a representative of the Center for Peace and Civic Development. “We delved into the gender aspects of effective conflict resolution, creative negotiation strategies and inclusive initiatives. The practical exercises and discussions not only improved my individual skills but also facilitated our cooperation with other civil society representatives. Applying creative methods to learning and practice is critical for growing the network of peacebuilding organizations and for improving its impact.”
It is noteworthy that the training will help the civil society representatives to deepen further cooperation. The initiative was part of the UN Women project “Accelerating Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Georgia”, generously supported by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) of the UK Government.