UN Women launches greenhouse pilot programme for women in two municipalities

Concerning women’s economic empowerment, one of UN Women’s objectives is to support individuals living in rural areas, especially those who are at risk, such as socially vulnerable small landowners. For this purpose, in partnership with the Rural Development Agency, a pilot programme for setting up greenhouses was developed to provides such women with co-financing.
The programme itself will enable women farmers who own small plots of land to receive subsidies for greenhouses and to produce agricultural products throughout the year. It is notable that in the Marneuli and Lagodekhi municipalities, where the programme is being implemented, the climate and environmental conditions are also both favourable for the establishment of greenhouses.
Representatives from UN Women, the Rural Development Agency and the local government introduced this initiative to local women on 12 September in Marneuli and on 19 September in Lagodekhi. Nino Tsilosani, Chair of the Gender Equality Council of the Parliament of Georgia, kindly attended the initial meeting held in Marneuli.
Nargo Beridze, a participant who lives in the village of Heretiskari within the Lagodekhi municipality, commented after the meeting: “It should be noted that this initiative is specifically designed for women living in rural areas, as it will be an important source of support for them. The women themselves will also be interested, as they are the ones who usually run the greenhouses. I too live in a rural area, I have a cucumber greenhouse, and I also want to participate in this programme. In addition, on behalf of my community union, ‘Hereti’, I will provide information to everyone who wants to participate, and I will also help them to fill in application forms.”
Along with financial support, the programme moreover provides technical assistance and knowledge-sharing to its participants. These women farmers will be given theoretical training in the care of specific crops and in greenhouse management, and after they have received funding, they will undergo further practical training for those crops.
The pilot programme has been implemented within the framework of a memorandum signed between UN Women and the Rural Development Agency. The memorandum aims to increase the opportunities of women living in rural areas, their involvement in agency programmes, the development of special initiatives and, as a result, the socioeconomic empowerment of women.
Cooperation between UN Women and the Rural Development Agency is part of the “Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus” regional project from UN Women. It is being implemented with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Austrian Development Cooperation.