Guidlines and Self-Regulatory Standards on the Sensitive and Ethical Reporting of Gender, Gender-Based Violence and LGBTQI Issues
The guidelines below are intended to support members of the media in providing fairer and more sensitive reporting. They are based on the ‘Report of the 1st Conference of the Council of Europe Network of National Focal Points on Gender Equality, in addition to research and recommendations by international media development organizations.
This publication was produced within the programme “Ending Violence against Women and Girls in Georgia (EVAWGG)” implemented by UN Women and UNFPA with the financial support of the European Union. This publication was developed by Eva Barboni in cooperation with the Charter of Journalistic Ethics of Georgia.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Europe and Central Asia
Resource type(s):
Manuals and tools
UN Women office publishing:
Georgia Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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