Progress of the world’s women 2019–2020: Families in a changing world; Summary

Progress of the World’s Women 2019–2020

The world is rapidly changing. Families, and the role of women and girls within them, are also changing. Today, there is no ‘standard’ family form, nor has there ever been. In order for laws and policies to support families and meet the needs of all their members, they must evolve and adapt. Progress of the World’s Women assesses the scale and scope of transformations in family life, and their implications for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Drawing on the best available data from around the world, this Report proposes a comprehensive agenda for key policy actors - including gender equality advocates, national governments and international agencies - to make human rights a reality for all women and girls, no matter what kind of family they live in.

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English, Georgian

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Resource type(s): Flagship reports
Publication year
Number of pages