Current trends and recommendations for social protection policies in Georgia with focus on IDP, conflict-affected and ethnic minority women

The analytical report intends to inform the ongoing partnership of the Government of Georgia and UN Women for the enhancement of gender equality and reduction of feminized poverty, with special focus on women representing internally displaced persons (IDPs), conflict-affected and ethnic minority groups.
In order to identify the progress made by the country, as well as the remaining challenges and priority recommendations vis-à-vis gender equality and social empowerment of women, UN Women commissioned a series of policy reviews and operational research through the Institute for Social Studies and Analysis (ISSA) in 204-2015. This analytical review draws findings and recommendations from both ISSA studies and other key reference documents on gender equality and social protection of women, such as the latest 2014 observations and concluding recommendations from the CEDAW committee’s combined 4th and 5thperiodic reports of Georgia and the 2016-2020 UN Partnership for Sustainable Development framework in Georgia.
The analytical report has been prepared in the frameworks of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia” (WEPD II).