Needs and Priority issues of women prisoners in Georgia

The goal of the study was to identify the compliance of Georgia’s existing laws and practices with respect to women offenders to the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Female Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (Resolution A/Res/65/229), also known as the Bangkok Rules.
The study has been commissioned by UN Women, under the EU-funded project “Innovative Action for Gender Equality in Georgia” (IAGE). The study was conducted by the Penal Reform International’s (PRI) South Caucasus Regional Office. The end goal of the study has been to use its results and recommendations for advocacy purposes with relevant authorities for the improvement of identified policy and service provision gaps and challenges.
The study was conducted in the period of October-November 2013 through a combination of anonymous and voluntary questionnaire surveys of target group discussions (beneficiaries), focus groups and in-depth interviews.