UN Women supports cooperation between private and public organizations on the issues of domestic violence


It has been three years already since UN Women began cooperating with business companies operating in Georgia to promote women’s economic empowerment. This partnership has expanded and now creates new spaces for cooperation.

National study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2017
National study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2017; Photo: UN Women

Launched with the support of UN Women, one of the initiatives is the cooperation between the private sector and state agencies on the prevention of domestic violence, victim identification and referral.

On 16 October 2018, UN Women, together with the State Fund for Protection and Assistance of (Statutory) Victims of Human Trafficking and the Public Defender’s Office, arranged a one-day training on the identification of victims of domestic violence and referral mechanisms. Training participants became familiar with the existing gender stereotypes, psychosocial aspects of domestic violence, issues of legal regulations and state services available for the victims. It is noteworthy that the training was held in response to the interest and request of business companies.

“Such trainings are important both for employees and employers in order to identify victims and provide assistance to them in a timely manner,” said training participant Giga Jajanidze, a representative of the Georgia Entertainment Public Relations Alliance.

Irma Aladashvili, head of the Legal Provision, Public Relations and Donor Relations Department of the State Fund, remarked: “Business companies were provided with detailed information and awareness-raising material about the services provided by the State Fund. I think such trainings are important for deepening relations with the public sector because it supports information sharing and identifies a framework for future cooperation for the economic empowerment of women who were the victims of violence.”

UN Women plans to continue the cooperation between the private and public sectors regarding the identification of victims of domestic violence and referral mechanisms.

The training was held within the framework of the project “A Joint Action for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Georgia”, implemented by UN Women with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.