Assessment of the Social Protection System in Armenia

Assessment of the Social Protection System in Armenia. Photo: UN Women

The assessment of a social protection system in the Armenia was carried out from a lifecycle perspective and in reference to international experiences, as well as to social security standards and conventions - importantly, ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation No. 202 (2012); and Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention No. 102 (1952). Social protection floors (SPF) promote four essential guarantees: i) access to essential health care services including maternity benefits; ii) children’s income security through family and child benefits; iii) minimum income security for those who are not able to earn sufficient income; and iv) access to pensions for old age and disability. SPF policies should facilitate effective access to essential goods and services and be implemented in close coordination with other policies enhancing employability, reducing informality and precariousness and creating decent jobs.

The assessment identifies the areas for further strengthening, with particular attention to gender equality and reiterates the importance of national social protection floors to protect people in case of different risks across the lifecycle and covariate shocks.

The publication was prepared with the support of UN Women, in the framework of the project “Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus”, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

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Resource type(s): Assessments
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