National Action Plan on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Measures to be Implemented for the Protection of Victims (Survivors) for 2018-2020

National Action Plan on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Measures to be Implemented for the Protection of Victims (Survivors) for 2018-2020

The Action Plan for 2018-2020 on the Measures to be Implemented for Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims was approved by N175 Decree of the Government of Georgia on 11 April 2018.

The Action Plan constitutes a national framework document that combines the measures to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence.

Deriving from the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), ratified by Georgia in 2017, the VAWG/DV NAP takes into consideration the gendered nature of domestic violence and addresses the phenomenon of violence against women and girls in a holistic manner.

To ensure efficient implementation of the VAWG/DV NAP 2018-2020, clear cut indicators, baselines and targets have been determined on the outcome and output levels to allow for proper monitoring and evaluation of results.

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English, Georgian

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Resource type(s): Strategic plans
Publication year
Number of pages